Islamophobia or genuine concern: Navigating the headwinds of ‘love jihad’
KAVYA DUBEY The expression ‘love jihad’ is based on the assumption that there’s an alleged campaign by Muslim men to…
AL Mann(wa Salwa) in QURAN: A Scientific Study
By Dr. M.I.H. Farooqi (Dr. Mohammed Iqtedar Husain Farooqi) Scientist/Deputy Director (Retrd), National Botanical Research Institute, Lucknow (Govt. of India)…
Maulana Abul Kalam Azad on the Decline of Muslim Society
By Dr. M.I.H. Farooqi Maulana Abul Kalam Azad was among the top builders of modern India. He was also one…
Charles III: The most pro-Islamic monarch in British history
Rasia Nayeem Hashmi The past week saw the passing of Queen Elizabeth II the longest serving monarch of Britain after…
by: Dr. M. I. H. Farooqi, M.Sc., Ph.D. Quranic Reference on Camphor: 1. SURAH LXXVI (Ad-Dahr – Time). V :…
Here’s what world’s great personalities say about Prophet Muhammad
Rasia Nayeem Hashmi Muhammad, the Prophet of Islam (peace be upon him) tops the list of 100 most influential people…
All about Yaum-e-Ashura
Yaum-e-Ashura is one of the major commemorative events observed by Muslims around the globe. Muharram is the first month of…
The truth behind Prophet Muhammad’s marriage to Aisha
The Orientalist scholar W. Montgomery Watt had written, “Of all the world’s great men, none has been so much maligned…
Here’s how Quran converted the motivational speaker from Sabrimala to Fathima
Makkah: Motivational speaker Sabrimala Jayakandhan, a native of Tamil Nadu, who has recently embraced Islam, is now in Makkah to perform…
Welcoming Holy Month of Ramadhan Kareem
The month of Ramadan is a great blessing for Muslims. For those who practice this holy month, there is eternal…