Jeddah: Shaikh Chand, an NRI met untimely death in Madinah, the Prophet’s city. Breathing their last in Madinah is a dream for many Muslims. However, Chand’s death came as a shocker for his family who was totally dependent on him.
Chand’s death was also tragic in the way that his decomposed body was found a week after his death, when someone noticed bad odour from an agriculture farm. Chand was buried on November 29, 65 days after his death in August.
39-year-old Chand was a native of Mallaram village near Nizamabad. He arrived in the holy city of Madinah on August 13 to work as a cleaning labourer with a municipal maintenance company. Just two weeks later, on August 25 his decomposed body was found dead.
Chand was the sole bread earner for his family, comprising his aged parents, his wife Jameela, a 12-year-old daughter and 10-year-old son. Besides, he had struggled to mop up Rs.1.5 lakh to pay agents to get the job.
Instead of his phone call for which his family was eagerly waiting, his wife Jameela got a call, informing her that Chand was found dead in a date farm.
With this news the family was devastated. Not only that she has become a widow, she doesn’t know how to run the family affairs with no money in hands. Charitable persons can come forward and help the poor family in distress. Jameela can be reached on 917659906482 on PhonePe.