Pan India

Controversy Erupts Over New Supreme Court Lady Justice Statue, Bar Association Unhappy

In the new statue, the scale symbolizes the balance of justice, while the Constitution replacing the sword signifies a shift from punitive measures to constitutional rights.

New Delhi: A controversy has erupted over the newly installed Lady Justice statue at the Supreme Court, with the Supreme Court Bar Association (SCBA) expressing strong objections. The association passed a resolution stating that changes made to the statue were done without consulting them, leading to their dissatisfaction.

During a meeting led by senior advocate Kapil Sibal, the SCBA raised concerns about modifications to the Supreme Court emblem and the Lady Justice statue. The most significant alteration is the removal of the blindfold from Lady Justice’s eyes, now depicted as open, and the replacement of the sword in her hand with the “Constitution of India.”

The SCBA’s executive committee emphasized that they are equal stakeholders in the administration of justice but were not consulted regarding these changes, nor were they provided with an explanation for the alterations. They labeled the changes as “radical” and asserted that such actions should not be taken unilaterally.

Additionally, the association objected to the conversion of the judges’ library within the Supreme Court building into a museum.

The new white Lady Justice statue is depicted wearing a saree, holding a scale of justice in one hand and the Constitution of India in place of the sword in the other. This statue was unveiled last year, during which Chief Justice D.Y. Chandrachud stated that all individuals are equal in the eyes of the law. He explained that removing the blindfold from Lady Justice is an attempt to dispel the notion of the law being blind.

In the new statue, the scale symbolizes the balance of justice, while the Constitution replacing the sword signifies a shift from punitive measures to constitutional rights.

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