
Prophet Mohammad – Mercy for Mankind & a Source of Guidance for Humanity

This article, based on quotes from non-Muslim sources, aims to shed light on Muhammad’s (peace be upon him) profound impact. He exemplified humanity’s perfection while remaining entirely human.

Muhammad (pbuh) never claimed divinity, but as a chosen Messenger of God, he inspired over a billion people. His life is meticulously documented, dispelling myths. Thomas Carlyle rightly decries the lies surrounding him as a disservice to our own integrity.

Muhammad (pbuh) was not divine, but a servant of God and a Messenger. His legacy is unparalleled, his achievements eclipsing legends of history. His mission was to unite humanity in worshiping One God through moral excellence.

He never proclaimed to be a Son of God or divine incarnation. His impact on history surpasses any legend. Islam emphasizes the unity of God, devoid of visible idols, and respects the Prophet without transcending human virtue.

Muhammad (pbuh), “The Praiseworthy,” was lauded by friends and foes alike. Even enemies acknowledged his virtues. He was the epitome of humanity, excelling as Prophet, Warrior, Businessman, Reformer, Orator, Protector, Emancipator, Judge, and Saint. He wasn’t a god, but a remarkable human.

The name Muhammad means “the praised one.” People from all walks of life have praised him throughout history. His enemies couldn’t deny his exceptional qualities. His greatness encompassed numerous roles, making it hard to encapsulate in a few lines.

He was a Messenger of God, not a deity. His influence reached far beyond earthly realms, shaping a new moral and religious civilization spanning Asia, Africa, and Europe. His teachings transformed warring tribes into a powerful, civilized nation.

In an era of misogyny, Muhammad (pbuh) championed women’s rights. Islam granted women rights when many still debated their humanity. He emphasized unity, equality, and brotherhood, principles still integral to Islam.

Islam pioneered abolitionism, freeing thousands of slaves when slavery was prevalent. These emancipated slaves went on to become scholars and leaders. Prophet Muhammad shattered racial barriers, treating all with equal respect.

The principle of equality was embodied in Islam. It united rich and poor, peasant and king, in worship of the One God. Sarojini Naidu acknowledges this unique democratic aspect of Islam.

Muhammad (pbuh) preached peace, not violence. He exemplified forgiveness and compassion, even in victory. He practiced forbearance and kindness, his humility untouched by power.

A man of utmost simplicity, Muhammad (pbuh) was a humble leader. His lifestyle mirrored his teachings, untouched by worldly grandeur.

The last Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) brought a universal message for all of humanity, preserved unchanged in the Quran. It’s a living guide for Muslims, not a historical relic.

Islam’s contributions to science and civilization are profound. It laid the foundation for modern scientific progress. The debt of science to the Arab culture is immeasurable.

Muhammad’s legacy is one of peace and enlightenment, contrary to the misconceptions. He is hailed as a Savior of Humanity, not an anti-Christ. His teachings are relevant, offering solutions for a troubled world.

In a world seeking truth and justice, let’s remember that actions of individuals do not define an entire faith. We must respect the sacred symbols of all religions. Freedom of expression should not infringe on human sentiments and peace.

Islam is not a faith of terrorism, but a legacy of enlightenment. Its contributions to humanity are immeasurable. The world has much to learn from its teachings and its last Prophet, Muhammad (pbuh).

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