
Chicken Prices Plunge in Hyderabad

Hyderabad: In the midst of the ongoing Karthika Masam festivities, Hyderabad is witnessing a significant downturn in chicken prices, marking a substantial decline following weeks of relentless surges. The downturn is evident as both chicken and meat sales experience a considerable decline.

Considered highly auspicious, Karthika Masam has devout followers engaged in prayers and offerings throughout the month. Many adherents choose to consume only vegetarian food as part of their month-long prayers.

Previously soaring close to Rs 300 per kg, chicken prices have now plummeted by half, settling at Rs 151 for skin-on and Rs 172 for skinless. These current rates reflect the lowest observed prices in the past several months. Various factors, including ongoing election campaigning, had propelled chicken prices upwards.

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