Over two lakh applied for 503 Group-1 posts so far
The number will increase by another one lakh as the last date to apply is fast approaching i.e. May 31.

Hyderabad: The agony of unemployed youths in the state of Telangana state can be measured as the Telangana State Public Service Commission (TSPSC) has received 2,10,030 applications till the last count on Wednesday for 503 Group-I vacancies.
The number will increase by another one lakh as the last date to apply is fast approaching i.e. May 31.
The tSPSC which has notified Group-1 vacancies include 121 Mandal Parishad Development Officers, 91 Deputy Superintendent of Police, 48 Commercial Tax Officers and 42 Deputy Collector etc.
The Group-1 aspirants’ last minute rush will give the chance of making errors in the application form. This apart, if a large number of candidates submit their application form at the last hour, it might lead to a system crash or server delays due to heavy internet traffic.
So, the candidates have to register their applications immediately.
The problem of unemployment growth in the state has become so serious, for every notification issued by the government, lakhs of candidates are applying, this can be seen from the notification issued for the police recruitments and conducting Teachers Eligibility Test (TET).
The government has announced that the notification for recruitment in various departments will be about 80,000, but seeing the trend among the unemployed youths can be assessed as the unemployment problem is growing.
In 8 years of TRS rule after the formation of separate Telangana state, the government is issuing notification for the recruitment.