Modi violating Model Code of Conduct in every election meeting, but EC ignoring: Niranjan
G. Niranjan, TPCC senior vice-president & chairman, Election Commission Coordination Committee today appealed to everyone, who has the right to vote should exercise their franchise in the elections to be held on May 13.

Hyderabad: G. Niranjan, TPCC senior vice-president & chairman, Election Commission Coordination Committee today appealed to everyone, who has the right to vote should exercise their franchise in the elections to be held on May 13.
He advised voters, “contact your BLO if you have not yet received the information slip stating the serial number of the polling booth where your vote was to cast. The Election Commission has provided adequate facilities to the voters in view of the summer, but in view of the current rains and the Orange Alert announced by the Meteorological Department, the Election Commission should make adequate arrangements so that the people are not inconvenienced”.
He said action should be taken against Prime Minister Modi or the Model Code of Conduct should be revoked – the directive to prevent minors from participating in election campaigns should be withdrawn. “PM Modi is violating the Model Code of Conduct in every election meeting and behaves as if it does not apply to him.
Every day, these violations by the Prime Minister were brought to the attention of the Election Commission, but it is being ignored. According to the Model Code of Conduct, criticism of political parties should be limited to policy programmes, but Modi is criticizing the Congress party with vengeance.
Even on Friday, in the meetings held in Hyderabad and Narayanpet, Modi tried to spread false propaganda among the people by saying that Congress party hates Hinduism since beginning. Modi was making personal criticisms on Rahul Gandhi and Sonia Gandhi constantly and making baseless allegations of corruption.
Even though the Election Commission has issued orders clearly stating that children should not be involved in the election campaign, but Modi was behaving as he does not care about these rules. On his way to Warangal the other day, Modi picked up a little girl under his arms and noticed two little children in Friday’s meeting and waved his hand saying how cute they were…Shabash.
“On looking at a boy holding a photo in his hand asked the nearby people to send that photo to him and write the boy’s name and details on the back. So that he will send a letter to the child. He also criticized that some people don’t like the love of these kids towards him. “We are reminding the Election Commission rules and orders, but we do not intend to alienate anyone’s love from him.
“Model Code of Conduct” now seems to have become “Modi Code of Conduct”.
If the Election Commission unable to see that Modi follows MCC and to comply with the commission’s directives, then EC should revoke the MCC and withdraw the directives banning the involvement of children in election campaigning. Modi is criticizing as Congress is having ties with Pakistan, then why he landed in Lahore while coming back from Afghanistan in 2015 without prior notice and participated in Nawaz Sharif’s 66th birthday celebrations?
Is Congress party or Modi adopting the appeasement policy? Why Rajasingh was arrested in August 2023 and suspended from the BJP for making an anti-religious comment? Was he arrested and suspended from BJP under the pressure from some Muslim countries or not? Modi has to answer. Is it not appeasement towards Muslim countries?
Why Raja Singh is being kept away from party activities since then? Is it not that because they are afraid of Muslim countries? Is it not because of the fear from Muslim countries that Modi avoided the presence of Rajasingh on the stage in Friday’s meeting at Lal Bahadur Stadium? As Raja Singh was prevented by the Modi’s security, he was forced to sit in the audience, he added.