
Prominent Muslim Reformers of the 21st Century

The 21st century has witnessed the rise of numerous Muslim reformers across the globe who advocate for aligning Islamic teachings with contemporary values and challenges.


The 21st century has witnessed the rise of numerous Muslim reformers across the globe who advocate for aligning Islamic teachings with contemporary values and challenges. They emphasize the establishment of higher education institutions that integrate Western scientific knowledge with Islamic principles, aiming to uplift the Muslim community socially and economically. This era marks the beginning of an educational renaissance within the Muslim world, with at least 30 Muslim-majority countries reporting literacy rates between 97% and 100%.

A particularly noteworthy aspect of this transformation is the significant reduction in gender disparities in literacy across many Islamic nations. At least 25 countries report a literacy gap between men and women of only 0% to 5%. Furthermore, in several universities, female students now outnumber their male counterparts. In recent decades, increasing efforts across the Islamic world have focused on reviving scientific inquiry and innovation. Science education has been introduced at all levels, from schools to universities, fostering critical thinking and intellectual exploration. The Islamic world, with its rich historical contributions to science and knowledge, has the potential to once again play a vital role in global scientific advancements.

Notable 21st-Century Intellectual Reformers

Below is a list of influential figures who have contributed significantly to scientific advancement, rational thought, intellectual inquiry, and interfaith dialogue within the Islamic world:

Abdal Hakim Murad (England/Turkey, b. 1961) – Scholar known for his work on Islamic spirituality and traditional sciences; a key figure in the Western Muslim community.

Abdennour Bidar (France, b. 1971) – Philosopher advocating for an enlightened and spiritual Islam.

Abdolkarim Soroush (Iran, b. 1945) – A leading thinker and reformer who promotes a modern understanding of Islam and encourages Muslims to recognize the complexities of the modern world.

Abduh Yamani (Saudi Arabia, 1940-2010) – Former Minister of Information; promoted Islamic education with an emphasis on science and modernization.

Abdul Hakim Jackson (U.S. Born 1950). Scholar of Islamic law and African American Muslim history.Advocates American Muslim identity. Author of Islam and the Blackamerican.

Abdul Kalam A.P.J.,Dr (India, 1931-2015) – Scientist and modernist; played a pivotal role in India’s missile and nuclear programs and served as the President (2002-2007).

Abdulaziz Othman Altwaijri, Dr. (Saudi Arabia born 1950), Served as the D.G.of the Islamic Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (ISESCO) from 1991 until 2019. Promoted intercultural dialogue and the alliance of civilizations, contributing significantly to international efforts in these areas.

Abdullahi Ahmed An-Na’im (Sudan/USA, b. 1946) – Advocates secularism while preserving religious values; emphasizes constitutionalism and human rights from an Islamic perspective.

Albin Kurti (Kosovo, b. 1975) – Prime Minister and key contemporary reformer.

Allahshukur Pashazadeh (Azerbaijan, b. 1949) – Grand Mufti; actively works to maintain harmonious relations between state and religion and promote peace.

Allahshukur Pashazadeh, (Azerbaijan born in 1949), Grand Mufti

Ameen Mian Qadri, Prof. (India, born 1945) Dedicated significant efforts to the educational empowerment of Muslims. Established a network of institutions under the Al-Barkaat banner,

Amina Wadud (USA, b. 1952) – Scholar of Islamic feminism; advocates for gender equality based on Quranic principles.

Anwar Ibrahim (Malaysia, b. 1947) – Prime Minister; a prominent reformer advocating for democratic reforms and pluralism within Islam.

Asghar Ali Engineer (India, 1939-2013) – Promoted a progressive interpretation of Islamic jurisprudence. Advocated for Modern Education for Muslims

Aslam Parvaiz (India, b. 1954) – Promotes science communication, social and religious reform; former Vice-Chancellor of Maulana Azad National Urdu University. Founding editor of popular Urdu Magazine “Science,”

Asma Afsaruddin (UK. Born, 1958) Scholar of Islamic studies who focuses on early Islamic thought and gender reform. Advocates for a historical approach to understanding Islamic concepts of justice and equality. Author of Contemporary Issues in Islam.

Azim Premji (India, b. 1945) – Philanthropist and founder of Wipro; focuses on improving education in India through the Azim Premji Foundation. Founder Azim Premji University

Bassam Tibi (Germany, b. 1944) – Promotes an interpretation of Islam that aligns with European democratic and secular values.

Bujar Spahiu (Albania, b. 1976) – Grand Mufti; modernizes and adapts Islamic practices to contemporary society.

Cassam Uteem (Mauritius Born 1941) Notable contemporary Muslim reformer is , who served as the first Muslim President of Mauritius from 1992 to 1997.

Dalia Mogahed (USA) – Researcher on Muslim public opinion and interfaith relations.

Ebrahim Moosa (USA, b. 1950) – Professor of Islamic thought at the University of Notre Dame; focuses on Islamic ethics and theology.

Fatima Mernissi (Morocco, 1940-2015) – A strong advocate for women’s rights in Islam.

Fethullah Gülen (Turkey, b. 1941) – Promoted interfaith dialogue, science, and modern education; established schools worldwide. 

Geydar Dzhemal: ( Russia, Born 1947). Islamic public figure, activist, philosopher, and poet. Chaired the Islamic Committee of Russia and was involved in various political and social movements.

Ghaleb Bencheikh (France, b. 1961) – French-Algerian scholar promoting a rationalist and humanistic approach to Islam.

Hamza Yusuf Hanson (USA, b. 1958) – Co-founder of Zaytuna College, the first accredited Muslim liberal arts college in the U.S.

Javed Ahmad Ghamidi (Pakistan, b. 1951) – Islamic modernist theologian promoting democracy and contemporary interpretations of Sharia.

Khaled Abou El Fadl (Egypt/USA, b. 1963) – Advocate for democratic governance, pluralism, and religious tolerance.

Khalid Rasheed Firangi Mahli (India Born, 1970) Imam Eidgah Lucknow. Prominent Islamic scholar. Revitalized the educational traditions by integrating modern education with traditional Islamic teachings through the establishment of Madars-e-Nizamia and Islamic Center of India.

 Mohammed Abed al-Jabri (Morocco, 1935-2010) – Promoted Islamic rationalism, critical thinking, and democracy.

Mohammed Hamid Ansari (India Born,1936).. Emphasized the importance of education in empowering marginalized communities. Praised Right to Education Act as a significant achievement despite its challenges.

Mohammed Yunus, Syed Khwaja (India, 1939-2019) – Visionary educationist dedicated to the upliftment of marginalized communities.

Mona Siddiqui (UK, Born,1963), Specializing in Islamic thought and interfaith relations. Promotes  approach that emphasizes ethics, gender justice, and pluralism.Writes on how Islam can coexist within a secular, democratic society.

Muhammad Sadik Muhammad Yusuf: (Uzbekistan. Born 1952), Well known Muslim Scholar and reformer. Muslim scholar. Served as the mufti.

Mumtaz Ahmed Khan, Dr. (1935-2021). India Founder of the Al-Ameen Educational Society. Prominent educationist, and social reformer, dedicated to promoting modern education, particularly to Muslims

Mustafa Akyol (Turkey, b. 1972) – Advocates for an “Islamic Enlightenment” and the separation of religion and state.

Nakadar, A.R. Dr (U.S.). Founder trustee of the American Federation of Muslims of Indian Origin (AFMI) and has made significant contributions to education and community welfare in India.

Omid Safi, (U.S. Born 1970). Iranian-American Professor of Islamic Studies, known for his work on progressive Islam. Author of Progressive Muslims: On Justice, Gender and Pluralism.

Syed Waseem Akhtar, Prof., (India. Born, 1955). Recognized for his leadership and contributions to the cause of Modern Education. Established Integral University at Lucknow, noted for its commitment to academic excellence, as evidenced by its NAAC A+ ranking by NIRF. Prof. Akhtar inspires students to balance scientific inquiry with social responsibility

Tariq Ramadan (Switzerland/Egypt, b. 1962) – Scholar advocating for Muslim integration in Western societies while maintaining Islamic ethics.

Yahya Cholil Staquf (Indonesia, b. 1966) – Chairman of Nahdlatul Ulama; calls for reforming orthodox Islamic doctrines to align with modern realities.

Zaid Shakir (U.S).Co-founder of Zaytuna College. Promotes a balance between Islamic tradition and contemporary American life

Zainab Al-Ghazali: A prominent Egyptian feminist and activist who worked for women’s rights within an Islamic framework, emphasizing the role of women in society.

Zaki Badawi, Dr. (U.K.1922–2006) Advocated for moderate Islam, emphasizing the compatibility of Islamic values with British society

 Ziauddin Sardar (UK, b. 1951) – Scholar specializing in Muslim affairs, futures studies, and science and cultural relations.

This list highlights some of the most impactful thinkers and reformers shaping contemporary Islamic thought and progress in the 21st century

Sources: Mainly Encyclopedia Britannica, Wikipedia,

By: Dr. M.I.H. Farooqi
(Dr. Mohammed Iqtedar Husain Farooqi)
Deputy Director/Scientist (Retired), National Botanical Research Institute, Government of India, Lucknow

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