Vegetarian Diets Mentioned in Prophetic Sayings: By Dr. M.I.H. Farooqi
![Vegetarian Diets Mentioned in Prophetic Sayings: By Dr. M.I.H. Farooqi 1 Vegetarian Diets Mentioned in Prophetic Sayings: By Dr. M.I.H. Farooqi](
Under Islamic dietary laws, all plant-based foods (fruits and vegetables) are halal, unless they are prohibited for a specific reason, such as harmful to health or else prepared with haram ingredients such as alcohol or haram animal fats.
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During the time of Prophet Muhammad, the diet of the people of the Arabian Peninsula was simple and based on local resources. Most people depended on fruits vegetables and grains. Although the environment was harsh and dry, a variety of foods were available. However, pulses were generally not available.
The meat was available but consumed only on special occasions.
Some of the vegetarian food items liked by Prophet (SAW) are stated below:
Barley: Arabic Name: Sha’ir (Tradition), Talbina (Tradition).
Other Names: Barley (Eng.), Cebada (Sp.), Orge (Fr.), Jelai (Bahasa-Indonesian/Malay), Arpa (Turkish), Yava (Sanskrit), Jau (Hindi, Urdu, Pers.).
Botanical Source Hordeum vulgare Linn
Hadith: Whenever any of the companions of the Prophet were not well, he would order a soup (Talbina- a preparation of Barley) for them, and he would make them drink the soup (Talbina). He used to say that it would comfort the innermost part of the affected and sick just as dust is wiped away from the face. (‘Ayesha; Tirmidhi).
Hadith: Ayesha” used to say, “I heard Allah’s Apostle saying- “At-Talbina gives rest (comfort) to the heart of the patient and makes him active and relieves some of his sorrow and grief.” (‘Urwa; Bukhari).
Barley was one of the earliest cereals to be cultivated. It can thrive in a very wide range of climates. During ancient times, barley was commonly used for bread making and also for winemaking. It is important to note that in many Traditions, the Prophet (PBUH) advised convalescents to eat preparations made of barley. Such preparations (including Talbina) were termed by the Prophet as heart-soothing. Avicenna in his 11th-century work The Canon of Medicine wrote of the healing effects of barley water, soup, and broth for fevers.
Beet Root: Arabic Name: Silq (Tradition).
Other Names: Beetroot, (Eng.), Batterae (Fr.), Rube (Sp.), Bit (Bahasa-Indonesian), Pancar (Turkish), Chukandara (Sanskrit), Chukandara (Sanskrit), Chuqandar (Hindi, Urdu), Chughander (Pers.).
Botanical Source: Beta vulgaris Linn
Hadith. A lady used to prepare a food consisting of Barley and Beet root and serve to Muslims after Friday Prayers. Muslims used to wait eagerly for the day when they used to eat this food. (Sahal bin Sa’d; Bukhari).
Beetroot has been cultivated in Arabia since very early times. During Prophet Muhammad (SAW) it was commonly cultivated in Medina. At present Beetroot is cultivated in Europe on very large areas mainly for the purpose of obtaining sugar commercially from it. More than half of the total world production of sugar is obtained from beetroot in various countries in Europe and Latin America. Beetroot is eaten as a vegetable and also pickled.
Citrus/Citron: Arabic Name: Utruj (Tradition) Turanj, Burtagal, Limun, Kabad, Barjmot, Naffash.
Other Names: Citron, Lemon (Eng.), Citronnier (Fr.), Toranja (Sp.), Juruk (Bahasa), Turang-Nimu (Pers.). Nimbu, Kaagzi Nimbu, Bara Nimbu (Hindi, Urdu,),
Botanical Source: Citrus species like 1. C. aurantifolia (Christam.) Swingle 2. C.aurantifolia Linn. Var.bergamia 3. C. limon (Linn.) Burm. f. 4. C. reticulata Blanco. 5. C. sinensis (Linn.)
Hadith: The Prophet said, “A true believer reading the Quran is like citrus fruit which has both good taste and good aroma (smell).” (Abu Musa ‘Ashari; Bukhari, Muslim).
Hadith: The Prophet said, “Citrus fruit is very useful. It is a stimulant and useful for the heart. (Al-Dilmi)
Utruj in Arabic may be any fruit from the genus Citrus. Thus oranges, lemons, Citron, etc. may be called Utraj in Arabic and Turanj in Persian. Citrus fruits, the best source of Vitamin C, are sweet-smelling delicious fruits. This quality of Citrus is described beautifully in the above-mentioned Traditions.
Cucumber: Arabic Name: Qiththa’ (Tradition), Khiyar.
Other Names: Cucumber (Eng.) Cohombro (Sp.), Concombre (Fr.), Timun (Bahasa-Indonesian), Pepino (Sp.), Khiar (Pers.), Khira (Hindi, Urdu),Salatalik (Turkish), Karkati (Sanskrit),
Botanical Source: Cucumis sativus Linn. /C. melo Linn. Hadith: My mother treated me with all kinds of things and yet I did not put on any weight, so I was given cucumber and unripe dates, and I became as plum as was good for me (before marriage to Prophet). (Ayesha; Bukhari, Muslim, Ibn Maja, Nasai)
Hadith: The Prophet always liked cucumber. (Rabia bin Mauz; Tirmidhi)
Cucumbers are very refreshing and, therefore, have cooling properties. Cucumbers are produced on small farms throughout the Arabian Peninsula.
Quranic Reference: Sura II (Al-Baqarah – The Heifer). V: 61
Also Read: Ginger – Highly Useful Product – Mentioned in Quran and Sunnah: Dr. M.I.H. Farooqi
Dates (Date Palm): Arabic Name: Tamar (Tradition) Rutb (Tradition) Ajwa (Tradition), Balh (Tradition), Nakhl (Tradition).
Other Names: Date (Eng.), Datte (Fr.), Kharjura(Sanskrit), Datil (Sp.), Tarih Palm,Hurma (Turkish) Tanggal Palm, Kurma (Bahasa-Indonesian), Khurma (Pers.). Khajur (Hindi, Urdu).
Botanical Source: Phoenix dactylifera Linn.
Hadith: The Prophet said, “Truly the ‘Ajwat (variety) is an excellent and complete food, and if some butter is added to it than its completeness is perfected”. (As-Suyuti).
Hadith: The Prophet said, “Whoever eats seven dates between dawn and dusk, will have no harm come to him between dawn and dusk”. (Bukhari).
Hadith: Once I was sick and the Prophet came to visit me. He placed his hand between my nipples until I felt its coolness penetrate the organs lying within my chest. He said, “Truly you are mufud (suffering heart)”. So, he sent for al-Harith Ibn Kalda, from Thaqif, who is indeed an excellent physician. Take seven powdered dates (in the meantime). (Sa’ad bin Waqqas, Abu Dawud, Masnad Ahmad, Abu Nu’aim).
Hadith: The Prophet used to breakfast with fresh dates. ( Rutb). If it was not available, then with dried dates. (Tamar) (Anas bin Malik; Muslim).
According to an old saying in Arabia, the uses of date palms are as many as the number of days in a year.
The sweet and delicious fruit of Date palm is the known nutrition diet for mankind. It is supposed to be the “Favour of God” to man. In the Quran and Traditions of Prophet Mohammad (PBUH), it has been mentioned with great reverence.
1. Egypt, 2. Saudi Arabia, 3. Iran, 4. UAE, Algeria 6. Iraq, 7. Pakistan, 8. Oman, 9. Tunisia, 10. Libya,
Note: Date Palm is mentioned in 20 verses of the Quran across 17 Surahs
Fig: Arabic Name: Teen (Tradition).
Other Names: Fig (Eng.), Figue (Fr.), Ara (Bahasa-Indonesian), Incir (Turkish), Anjir (Hindi, Urdu, Pers.), Anjīra, Udumbara (Sanskrit).
Botanical Source: Ficus carica Linn.
Hadith: The Apostle of Allah said, “Eat fig. It helps in piles and is also useful in gout.”( Abu Dhar Ghaffari; Abu Nu’aim).
Delicious Fig fruits, raw or matured, have high nutritive value. These are considered laxatives, emollients, and diuretics.
Fig contains appreciably high percentages of carbohydrates in the form of sugar (about 60%), citric acid, malic acid, several inorganic salts, and an important enzyme Ficin.
Quranic Reference: SURA XCV (At-Tin-The Fig). V: 1- 4
In the Quran, Allah swears in the name of Fig
Gourd/Pumpkin: Arabic Name: Qar’ (Tradition), Dubba’ (Tradition), Hanzal (Tradition), Yaqtin (Quran).
Other Names: Bottle Gourd (Eng.), Gourde (Fr.), Kabak (Turkish), Labumanis (Bhasa-Indo.), Kadu (Per.). Lauki (Hindi, Urdu.), Kalamba (Sanskrit),
Botanical Source: Lagenaria siceraria Standl. (Gourd/ Bottle Gourd) Cucurbita maxima Duchesne (Pumpkin)Citrullus colocynthis (L.) Schrad. (Bitter Gourd).
The illustrated Book of Doha Quranic Botanic Garden identified Cucurbita maxima as the Dubba (Pumpkin) of Prophetic traditions. Citrullus colocynthis has been identified as the Hanzal of Prophetic Traditions.
Hadith: The Prophet said, “Let them have Qara’ for they stimulate the intellect and the brain.” (Muslim),
Hadith: The Prophet said, “Add more Dubba to the curry. It strengthens the depressed heart.” (‘Ayesha, Ibn Majh).
Bottle gourd is grown all the year round. It is harvested while tender for use as a vegetable. Gourd is a good source of Vit. B and a fair source of Vit. C. It is cooling, diuretic, and ant bilious. A gourd creeper under the name Yaqtin is mentioned in the Quran in Sura Saffat, Verse 146. Details can be read in ‘Plants of the Quran’
Grape: Arabic Name: ‘Inab (Hadith) Karam (Hadith), Zabib (Traditions).
Other Names: Grape, Vine (Eng.): Vigne (Fr.), Uva (Sp.), Draksha (Sanskrit), Uzum (Turkish), Anggur (Bahasa-Indonesian), Angur, Farshak (Pers.). Angur (Pers. Urdu, Hindi,).
Botanical Source: Vitis vinifera Linn.
Hadith: The Prophet used to have currants (Tradition, Zabib) soaked in water for him, and he used to drink it either on that day or the next or sometime the day after. (‘Abdullah bin ‘Abbas; Abu Dawud).
Grapes are laxative, stomachic, diuretic, demulcent, and cooling. Very useful in cases of thirst, heat of the body, and hoarseness. Unripe fruit juice is used in throat affections.,
Grape finds mention in 11 Verses of the Quran
Millet: Arabic Name: Dhura’ (Tradition)
Other Names: Millet (Eng.), Auzan, Javaras Hindi (Pers.), Akden (Turkish), Mijo (Sp.), Juwar (Hindi, Urdu),
Botanical Source: Sorghum vulgare (Linn.) Pers.
Hadith: The Messenger of Allah said, “Whosoever having ‘Iman’ even equal to Millet, will be taken out from Fire (Hell). (Narrated Anas bin Malik; Muslim).
Several species and varieties of Sorghum provide the cereals known as Millet. It is not very clear which of the varieties was grown in Medina during the time of the Prophet. However, it must be very clear that the Dura of the Tradition refers to the Sorghum Millet and not the grains of Corn (Zea mays), which were not known to the Arabs at the time of the Prophet.
Olive: Arabic Name: Zaytun (Tradition), Zayt (Tradition).
Other Names: Olive (Eng., Fr., Ger.), Olivo (Sp.), Zeytin (Turkish), Jetuni (Sanskrit), Zaitun (Bahasa -Indonesian), Zaitun (Hindi, Urdu, Per.).
Botanical Source: Olea europaea Linn. –
Hadith: The Apostle of Allah said, “Take (eat) olive oil and anoint (apply on the body). It is sacred and blessed (Abu Huraira; Ibn Maja, Trimidhi).
Fatty oil from mature edible fruits of olive is highly efficacious as medicine. Recent research has indicated its value in cancer treatment. Olive oil production has normally been concentrated in the Mediterranean basin countries: (Source: UNCTAD)
Top Olive Oil Producing Countries
1. Spain, 2. Italy, 3. Greece, 4. Tunisia, 5. Syria, 6. Turkey, 7. Morocco, 8. Portugal, 9. Algeria, 10. Jordan,
Prof. Lytton John Musselman: The olive is considered a divine provision in both the Quran and the Bible.
Quranic References of Olives: 7 Verses
Onion: Arabic Name: Basal (Tradition),
Other Names: Onion (Eng.), Oignon (Fr.), Korma (Pers.), Sogan (Turkish), Bawang (Bhasa-Indonesian), Piyaz (Pers., Hindi, Urdu), Palandu (Sanskrit).
Garlic: Arabic Name: Thom (Tradition), Fum,
Other Names: Garlic (Eng.), Ail (Fr.), Sir, (Pers.), Dasun, (Bahasa-Indonesian) Sarimsak (Turkish) Ajo (Sp.). Lasun (Hindi, Urdu), Lahuna (Sanskrit).
Botanical Source: Allium sativum Linn.
Hadith: The Prophet said, “Those amongst you who eat it (Raw Garlic) may not come to our mosque till its smell lasts.” (Abu Sa’id; Ibn Maja)
Onions are supposed to be useful in conditions ranging from the common cold to heart disease, diabetes, osteoporosis, and other diseases. Prof. Lytton John Musselman (Plants of the Bible and the Quran) says that Onion has been a food for millennia, both in Egypt and Mesopotamia (Murray 2000).
Garlic and onion are mentioned in Sura Baqar, verse 61 of the Quran.
Dr. Robert W. Lebling, Jr., reports that garlic as medicine is used across Arabia like putting it (grounded) on the wound to clean it and to prevent gangrene. Al-Kindi, the medieval Arab physician, used garlic as a drug for treating diseases of the ear.
Also Read: Some Quranic Trees with Hidden Names- A Scientific Review: Dr. MIH Farooqi
Pomegranate: Arabic Name: Rumman (Tradition).
Other Names: Pomegranate (Eng.), Dadima (Sanskrit), Pomegranate (Fr.), Granada (Sp.), Delima (Bahasa-Indo.), Nar (Turkish), Anar (Pers.), Anar (Hindi, Urdu),
Botanical Sources: Punica granatum Linn.
Hadith: The Prophet said, “There is not a pomegranate which does not have a pip from one of the pomegranates of the Garden in it”. (Anas bin Malik; Abu Nu’aim).
Pomegranate is native to Southwest Asia and cultivated in several regions. Pomegranate fruit juice is highly cooling and refreshing. It is cardiac and stomachic in its action. The rind of the fruit is useful in diarrhea and dysentery and because of the presence of tannin, these are effective tanning materials for animal skin
Quranic References:
1. Sura VI (Al-An’am-Cattle). V: 99; 2. Sura VI (Al-An’am-Cattle). V: 1413. Sura LV (Ar-Rahman – (God)- Most Gracious). V:68
Quince: Arabic Name: Safarjal (Tradition) Safarij (pl).
Other Names: Quince (Eng.), Memrillo (Sp.), Cognassier (Fr.), Ayva (Turkish), Quice (Bahasa Indonesian), Amrita (Sanskrit), Coing (Fr.), Safarjal, Bih (Pers.), Bihi (Hindi, Urdu).
Botanical Source: Cydonia oblonga Mill.
Hadith: The Prophet said, “Eat quince as it helps (stimulate) the heart. There has not been a single Prophet of Allah who has not eaten it. (Anas bin Malik; Ibn Majah)
The edible fruits of Quince are supposed to be tonic for those suffering from heart ailments. They are very popular in Europe for their use in jams and marmalades. Quince seeds are highly mucilaginous and are used in medicine, cosmetic lotions, creams, and dairy preparations. Also, in various industries as thickeners and stabilizers. Medicinally Quince is used for sore throat and to relieve cough. Some variety of quince, grown in the Middle East, is often eaten raw.
Rice: Arabic Name: Aruz (Tradition).
Other Names: Rice (Eng.), Riz (Fr.), Arroz (Sp.) Nasi (Bahasa-Indo.) Pirine (Turkish), Dhan, Chaval (Hindi, Urdu), Brinj (Pers.), Shāli (Sanskrit).
Botanical Source: Oryza sativa Linn.
Hadith: “The kinds of grain and seeds on which there is zakat are: wheat, barley, salt (a kind of barley), sorghum, pearl millet, rice, lentils, peas, beans, sesame seeds and other such grains and seeds which are used for food. ( Muwatta Malik).
Rice, a principal cereal of the wet regions of the tropics, was not the staple food of the Arabs during the time of Prophet Muhammad (SAAS). However, it was available in Mecca and Medina, by the imports from Iran and India.
Vinegar: Arabic Name: Khall (Tradition).
Other Names: Vinegar (Eng.) Vinaigre (Fr.) Vinagre (Sp.), Cuka (Bahasa), Vinagre (Sp.), Sirke (Turkish), Kshaudra (Sanskrit),Sirkah (Pers.), Sirkah (Hindi, Urdu).
Botanical Sources for Vinegar: Grape (Vitis vinifera Linn.), Date (Phoenix dactylifera Linn.), Sugarcane (Saccharum officinarum Linn.).
Hadith: The Prophet said, “A household which has vinegar will never suffer from poverty (they will not be hungry).” (Narrated Umm Hani; Tirmidhi, Baihaqi)
Vinegar is essentially a solution of acetic acid produced either by the fermentation of sugar-containing fruits and cereals or by the oxidation of alcohol. It is claimed that Egyptians knew fermentation procedure during the time of Pharaohs i.e. about three thousand years before Christ. However, the exact chemistry of the production of Vinegar was known in 1864 when Louis Pasteur was able to show that the bacteria called Acetobacter was responsible for converting the alcohol of sugar into Acetic acid. Although Vinegar has been used in food since ancient times, its importance as medicine was first demonstrated by Hippocrates (4th century B.C.) when he treated many patients by giving them appropriate doses of Vinegar. During the time of the Prophet, Vinegar was generally prepared from Grapes and Dates. Grape Vinegar was known as Khall al-’Inab or Khall al-Khamar.
Watermelon: Arabic Name: Batikh (Tradition), Bittikh.
Other Names: Watermelon (Eng.), Sandia (Sp.), Karpus (Turkish), Melon deau (Fr.), Semangka (Bahasa), Tarbuz (Urdu, Hindi), Tarbuja (Sanskrir),Hendwana (Pers.).
Botanical Source: Citrus vulgaris Linn
Hadith: Among the fruits that the Prophet liked were grapes and watermelons. (Abu Dawud).
Ripe watermelon fruit is eaten fresh. Its juice forms a cooling and refreshing drink. It is highly diuretic and supposed to be a good aphrodisiac.
Wheat: Arabic Name: Hintah (Tradition), Al-Burr (Tradition)
Other Names: Wheat (Eng.), Gruan (Fr.), Bugday (Turkish), Gandum (Bahasa-Indonesian), Trigo (Sp.), Gandum (Pers.).Gehun (Hindi, Urdu), Godhūma (Sanskrit).
Botanical Source: Triticum aestivum Linn
Hadith: After reaching Madina, the Messenger of Allah never ate a full meal of wheat bread for three consecutive days. (‘Ayesha: Bukhari)
Hadith: When wine (Khamr) was forbidden (during the time of the Prophet), raisins, dates, wheat, barley, and honey were used for winemaking. (‘Ibn ‘Umar; Bukhari)
Hadith: Alms, at the end of Ramadan (during the time of the Prophet) were generally given in the form of dates, wheat, or barley. (Bukhari, Muslim) The amount fixed for the barley was double the amount of wheat. (Bukhari).
Presently wheat is the most widely cultivated of all cereals and a staple food in most parts of the world. At the time of Prophet wheat was cultivated in some fertile lands of Arabia and was much costlier than other cereals like barley.
Dr. Mohammed Iqtedar Husain Farooqi,
Deputy Director, Retrd National Botanical Research Institute, Lucknow, Govt of India
Mobile 91 9839901066