
13-Year-Old gets married by Forcing Parents

The debate over the appropriate age for marriage and what should be the criteria continues to escalate rapidly. While opinions vary, many societies adhere to marriage ages and customs according to their traditions.

The debate over the appropriate age for marriage and what should be the criteria continues to escalate rapidly. While opinions vary, many societies adhere to marriage ages and customs according to their traditions.

But have you ever heard of parents being forced to marry their child against their will? And that too not at the legally prescribed marriage age, but at the tender age of 13? Such a marriage recently took place in Pakistan, where two children, a groom and a bride, were wedded. This marriage has garnered attention on social media platforms.

The video of this marriage, which took place in Pakistan, has been shared by the Instagram handle “Salampakistan.” In the video, a 13-year-old boy is seen in the attire of a groom, while his bride is only 12 years old.

After the video went viral, one user commented that this is too much. Another user wrote that the boy’s father is serious and wanted to see his only son as a groom. Hence, this was done. Another user wrote that in Pakistan, marriage without reaching adulthood is not considered legal.

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