
Grand Welcome for Shamsuddin by Salla Nazarenko and Bhuiyan Nurer Zaman in Helsinki

Shamsuddin's arrival in Finland's capital was marked by a gracious welcome, symbolizing a new chapter in his journalistic endeavors.

Helsinki: Salla Nazarenko, an esteemed international affairs specialist based in Helsinki, orchestrated a warm reception for Mohammad Shamsuddin, Editor of Snaps India, on the occasion of his elevation as the Secretary of International Affairs and Membership Coordinator for Asian and African continents of the International Journalist Network of Europe (IJNE).

Shamsuddin’s arrival in Finland’s capital was marked by a gracious welcome, symbolizing a new chapter in his journalistic endeavors.

Accompanying the celebration were notable figures in the field of journalism, including Bhuiyan Nurer Zaman, President of the Union of Journalists Siltasaarenkatu, Helsinki. The trio engaged in a thoughtful discussion centered around the critical topic of media freedom in both Asia and Europe.

The dialogue extended beyond mere rhetoric as they collectively called for coordinated efforts, emphasizing the importance of a robust network involving members of the Association of Freelance Journalists in Finland (AFJ). The aim is to establish an efficient and supportive platform that ensures the social security of skilled media professionals across borders.

Salla Nazarenko, known for her expertise in international affairs, expressed her optimism about the collaborative efforts between professionals like Shamsuddin, who now holds a key role in the IJNE. The elevation of Shamsuddin to such a prestigious position not only recognizes his contributions to journalism but also signifies the global commitment to fostering strong bonds among journalists from different continents.

Bhuiyan Nurer Zaman shared insights into the challenges faced by journalists in Asia and Europe, underscoring the need for solidarity in addressing issues related to media freedom. The meeting concluded on a high note, with a shared vision of promoting a free and responsible press through cooperative endeavors.

The appointment of Mohammad Shamsuddin to such a prominent position in the International Journalist Network of Europe is a testament to the recognition of his dedication and expertise in the field. It also signifies the potential for increased collaboration and exchange of ideas among journalists across international borders.

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