Group-IV Notification to fill 9,168 posts soon: CS
Chief Secretary said as per the Presidential Order-2018 which protects the rights of the people of the state, 95 per cent of posts are reserved for locals.

Hyderabad: Chief Secretary Somesh Kumar has held a meeting with the concerned senior officials of departments for the steps to be taken for issue of Group IV notifications to fill up 9,168 posts soon.
Chief Secretary said as per the Presidential Order-2018 which protects the rights of the people of the state, 95 per cent of posts are reserved for locals.
Recently, the government has started the process and issued notification for filling 503 posts under Group-1, while the process for Police recruitment is also going on, clearance has also been given to the education department, he said and added that notification for TET has also been issued.
He instructed the officials to submit all the relevant information, including roster point details to the Public Service Commission by May 29. He directed that all Junior Assistant and equivalent posts in the sanctioned strength should be included and notified for direct recruitment.
Promotional vacancies in Senior Assistant and Superintendent Cadres should also be filled. All Heads of Departments should bestow their personal attention so as to reduce the timelines so that the process is completed and the Finance Department can issue GO to have the mandate to go for the recruitment through Public Service Commission.
TSPSC Chairman, Janardhan Reddy, Spl. Chief Secretary to Housing Sunil Sharma, Special Chief Secretary to Irrigation Rajat Kumar, Special Chief Secretary to Animal Husbandry Adhar Sinha, Director General ACB Anjani Kumar and other senior officials of various departments attended the meeting.