Light to moderate rain or thundershowers likely in Telangana on Nov 21-22 : Met
The lowest minimum temperature of 10.7 degree celsius was recorded at Adilabad and 11.8 degree celsius in Medak.

Hyderabad: Light to Moderate Rain or Thundershowers is very likely to occur at isolated places in Southern districts of Telangana on Monday and Tuesday, Meteorological Centre said on Saturday.
In a daily weather report here, it said minimum temperatures likely to be below normal by 2-4°Celsius at isolated pockets in North Telangana today and tomorrow.
The lowest minimum temperature of 10.7 degree celsius was recorded at Adilabad and 11.8 degree celsius in Medak.
Dry weather very likely to prevail in Telangana on November 19 and 20 and on next Wednesday, the report added.