In a shocking turn of events, Bollywood actor Saif Ali Khan was attacked in the early hours of Thursday at his Bandra residence in Mumbai. The 54-year-old actor was stabbed multiple times, sustaining a serious injury to his spinal cord. He was rushed to Lilavati Hospital, where he underwent surgery and is now stable. The incident has raised concerns over the safety of high-profile celebrities in Mumbai, with police making significant progress in identifying the attacker.
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Attack Occurred in the Children’s Room
The attack took place around 2:30 am in the children’s room of Saif Ali Khan’s apartment. The house help raised an alarm upon noticing an intruder inside the home, prompting Khan to respond to the commotion. Upon entering the room, the actor confronted the attacker, which led to a violent struggle. During the confrontation, Saif Ali Khan was stabbed six times. The house helps also sustained minor injuries to her hand.
The attacker, whose identity has since been confirmed by the police, managed to flee the scene. The police quickly formed ten teams to apprehend him and are actively working on the case.
Also Read: Saif Ali Khan Attack Case: Is Bollywood Not Safer for the Khans? Recent Incident Raises Alarming Questions
How Did the Attacker Gain Entry?
According to Deputy Commissioner of Police (DCP) Dixit Gedam, the assailant entered the actor’s home using the fire escape stairs, which are also a part of the building’s emergency exit system. It appears the attacker initially intended to commit burglary, but the situation escalated into a violent altercation when Saif Ali Khan intervened.
Interestingly, it was revealed that the intruder had been inside the house for several hours before the attack took place. The police reviewed between 25 and 30 CCTV footage clips, which revealed that the suspect was seen on the sixth floor of the building. However, footage from two hours before the assault did not show anyone entering the housing society.
Saif Ali Khan Stable After Surgery
Saif Ali Khan was rushed to the hospital by his son Ibrahim in an auto-rickshaw with a knife still lodged in his back. Doctors confirmed that the actor underwent surgery to treat the injury, and while his condition remains stable, the actor’s family and fans continue to express their support for his recovery.
In addition to Khan’s injuries, a female member of his team was also injured during the attack. She was admitted to the hospital but was later discharged after receiving treatment.
Police Investigation and Questions Surrounding Entry
Mumbai Police have filed a First Information Report (FIR) based on a complaint lodged by the house help, who is the primary complainant in the case. The police are questioning five of Saif Ali Khan’s staff members, along with laborers working on ongoing renovations at the actor’s housing society.
The society’s security guard did not witness any unauthorized entry, raising questions about how the intruder managed to gain access despite supposed security protocols.
Forensic Team at the Crime Scene
Following the attack, a forensic team arrived at Saif Ali Khan’s residence to collect evidence from the crime scene. The police are working diligently to ensure the swift apprehension of the attacker, with ongoing efforts to piece together all the details of the incident.
As of now, the police have released a photograph of the suspect and continue to search for him. Authorities assured the public that Saif Ali Khan is recovering well and will continue to be under medical observation as his recovery progresses.
The attack on the Bollywood star has sent shockwaves through the industry, raising alarming questions about the safety of celebrities and the risks they face, even within the supposed safety of their homes.