Crime & Accidents

Tragic Electrocution: Young Man Dies in Seconds: Video

In Mahoba, Uttar Pradesh, a family's joy turned into mourning when 35-year-old Devinder tragically died from electrocution.

Mahoba: In Mahoba, Uttar Pradesh, a family’s joy turned into mourning when 35-year-old Devinder tragically died from electrocution.

The family was preparing to visit a temple, but Devinder received such a powerful electric shock that he succumbed within just 22 seconds. The incident was captured on CCTV.

According to details, Devinder, a resident of Chandu village, had come to attend a religious ceremony at the home of his relative, Suvinder Singh.

Every year, in the month of Ashadh, Suvinder Singh’s family organizes a prayer ceremony at the temple for the family’s welfare, happiness, and prosperity. As part of this tradition, everyone was getting ready to visit the temple when this tragic accident occurred.

Family members reported that everyone was busy preparing for the temple visit—some were making offerings while others were arranging flowers and water for the temple. Meanwhile, Devinder was bringing a bamboo pole to hoist a flag at the temple.

However, as he entered through the main gate, the pole accidentally touched a 33 kV power line above the house, electrifying the pole.

Before anyone could react, Devinder was electrocuted and died shortly after. Due to the rain, the bamboo pole was slightly damp, which caused it to conduct electricity, a shock that Devinder could not withstand.

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