
UNESCO Recognizes Iftar as Intangible Cultural Heritage

The United Nations cultural agency UNESCO has announced that it has recognized Iftar, the Muslim tradition of breaking the fast during the holy month of Ramadan, as an intangible cultural heritage.

United Nations: The United Nations cultural agency UNESCO has announced that it has recognized Iftar, the Muslim tradition of breaking the fast during the holy month of Ramadan, as an intangible cultural heritage.

According to global media reports, the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) granted Iftar the status of intangible heritage at the request of Iran, Turkey, Azerbaijan, and Uzbekistan.

In a statement released by UNESCO, it said that Iftar is the name of the act of breaking the fast at sunset during Ramadan, which is marked by special observances in all Muslim countries that are rich in cultural and social significance.

The UN agency further said that Iftar is typically a family affair, and that children, young people, and the elderly all play a role in its preparation.

The decision to recognize Iftar as an intangible cultural heritage was made at a UNESCO meeting that began on Tuesday. At the same meeting, Italian opera was also added to the list of world heritage.

The recognition of Iftar as an intangible cultural heritage is a significant achievement for the Muslim world. It is a recognition of the importance of Iftar as a cultural and social tradition that is shared by Muslims around the world.

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