Refresher Course in Pol. Sc. and Pub. Admin. starts at MANUU
‘Transform your communities, prepare for a multi-disciplinary approach to political science, enroll in professional bodies and do not encourage unrecognized journals’ he further added.

Hyderabad: Teaching is a challenge. Classrooms must capture the present moment and explore new ideas. Prepare well for your classrooms. Innovate upon and ignite the minds of your students because learning is a life long process. Prof. Gujji Gopal Reddy, the Pro Vice-Chancellor at the Mahatma Gandhi Central University (Motihari) Bihar expressed these views today at the inaugural lecture of a Refresher Course in Political Science and Public Administration. UGC-Human Resource Development Centre at Maulana Azad National Urdu University (MANUU). The two weeks long programme started today will conclude on the 2nd of August. This is the second course to be conducted in the offline mode at the centre.
‘Transform your communities, prepare for a multi-disciplinary approach to political science, enroll in professional bodies and do not encourage unrecognized journals’ he further added.
Prof. Tahseen Bilgrami, the Director of the UGC-HRDC said, ‘The Refresher programme had been designed with a multi-disciplinary approach in mind’.
‘We have taken care to ensure that participants are exposed to all facets of the discourse of politics’, added Prof. Afroz Alam, the Head, Dept. of Political Science, MANUU.
Dr. Khursid Alam, Asst. Professor introduced the resource person. Dr. Meraj Ahmed Mubarki, Asst. Director UGC-HRDC proposed the vote of thanks.
The refresher course has participants from the Telangana, Madhya Pradesh, West Bengal, Maharasthra and Karnataka. The UGC-HRDC at Maulana Azad National Urdu University was recently judged as the third best among all centers in the country.