
Telangana SSC Exams: QR Code and Serial Number on Every Page to Prevent Leaks

The Telangana government has introduced new security measures for the upcoming Class 10 board exams to prevent question paper leaks.

Hyderabad: The Telangana government has introduced new security measures for the upcoming Class 10 board exams to prevent question paper leaks. This time, each page of the question paper will have a unique serial number along with a QR code, similar to the system used in Intermediate exams.

Krishna Rao, Director of the Department of Government Examinations, announced on Tuesday that the Class 10 exams will be conducted from March 21 to April 4. Hall tickets have been dispatched to respective schools, and students can also download them from the official website.

Exam Guidelines and Control Room Setup

A 24-hour control room has been set up at the government examination department office in Hyderabad to address any concerns related to the exams. Students and parents can reach out for assistance by calling 040-23230942.

The exams will begin at 9:30 AM, with students being allowed to enter the exam center up to 9:35 AM. Officials have advised students, particularly those in Hyderabad and urban areas, to visit their exam centers a day in advance to avoid last-minute confusion.

Strict Regulations for Students

  • Personal Information Verification: Students must check the details printed on the OMR sheet. Any discrepancies should be reported to the invigilator immediately.
  • Answer Booklet Guidelines: The serial number of the answer booklet must be recorded on the OMR form.
  • Question Paper Protocol: Students should write their hall ticket number on each page of the question paper, but should not write their name or sign anywhere on the answer booklet.

Restrictions on Mobile Phones and Extra Sheets

  • Mobile phones and electronic gadgets are strictly prohibited inside the examination hall.
  • Students will receive a 24-page answer booklet, similar to those used in Intermediate and Open School exams.
  • Science exams will be conducted on two separate days for Physics and Biology.
  • For vocational subjects, students will receive a 12-page answer booklet, and no additional sheets will be provided.

With these new measures, authorities aim to enhance exam security and ensure a smooth examination process for all students.

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