In a significant step towards sustainable energy, Deputy Chief Minister Bhatti Vikramarka announced that 25 villages in Telangana have been selected as a pilot project to be converted into solar villages. The initiative will involve installing rooftop solar panels for agricultural pump sets and homes, aiming to promote clean and green energy solutions across rural areas.
Pilot Solar Village Project
Speaking at an event on Saturday, Bhatti Vikramarka highlighted the state’s efforts to harness solar power and make Telangana a leader in renewable energy. The selected 25 villages will serve as a model for the larger transformation of rural areas into solar-powered hubs, with the focus on agricultural and residential power needs. This initiative is expected to reduce dependency on conventional power sources, cut down electricity costs for farmers, and contribute to the state’s sustainability goals.
Action Plan for Clean Energy by 2035
Bhatti Vikramarka also shared details about Telangana’s ambitious energy goals, stating that the state government aims to produce 40,000 megawatts of clean and green energy by 2035. This is part of the state’s new energy policy, which focuses on the expansion of renewable energy sources, including solar power, to meet growing demands.
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As part of the strategy to meet future electricity requirements, the state plans to supply 22,448 MW of electricity by 2029-30 and 31,809 MW by 2034-35. The deputy Chief minister emphasized the importance of ensuring adequate electricity supply to cater to the development needs of Hyderabad, the establishment of the Future City, and the growth of new industries.
Strengthening Power Supply Infrastructure
The Deputy Chief Minister also acknowledged the ongoing efforts of the Telangana government to address the challenges faced by the power department. Despite facing challenges, the state government has continuously supplied quality electricity, ensuring uninterrupted service for residents and businesses.
“On March 8, the Telangana government demonstrated the power department’s capacity to meet the peak demand of 15,623 MW, proving our ability to handle the state’s growing energy needs,” Bhatti Vikramarka said.
Job Appointments in Power Sector
In the same event, the Deputy Chief Minister handed over appointment letters to 92 candidates for positions as Junior Assistants and Computer Operators in the Telangana Northern Electricity Distribution Company. Additionally, 20 candidates were appointed to posts in the Telangana Electricity Supply Company. These appointments are part of the government’s ongoing efforts to strengthen the power sector workforce in the state.
Through these initiatives, the Telangana government is taking significant strides towards improving energy infrastructure, promoting sustainability, and ensuring a reliable power supply for the state’s growing needs.