South India

Woman, 2 daughters run over by train in TN

In a tragic incident, a 35-year-old woman and her two young daughters--aged five and three--were run over by a train at the Walajah Road railway station on Tuesday.

Chennai: In a tragic incident, a 35-year-old woman and her two young daughters–aged five and three–were run over by a train at the Walajah Road railway station on Tuesday.

Police are investigating to ascertain whether it was a suicide pact as the woman and her husband had a wordy duel with his (her husband’s) first wife who got a favourable order from a Court on a divorce plea filed by him.

Police said the woman, Vennila, was walking across the track along with her two daughters, when the tragedy occurred.

They were run over by the Chennai-bound Antyodaya Express train which neared the railway station and was about to enter it.

Passengers who were waiting at the station and railway officials rushed to the spot and shifted the bodies to the Government Taluk Hospital in Walajah town for post-mortem.

Vennila had married a retired army staff Arivazhagan (40), seven years ago after he was estranged from his first wife,Vijayalakshmi.

On a divorce plea filed by him, a court had recently pronounced orders favouring his first wife and allowed her to live with

her estranged husband.

Based on the court order, Vijayalakshmi came to her husband’s house near Ammoor village today where Arivazhagan and Vennila had an argument with her.

Upset over Vijayalakshmi’s coming to their house, Vennila left the home along with her two children, and the three were later run over by the train.

A case has been registered and an investigation is underway.

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