
Contribution of Private Sector in Education, Health Care and Transportation in Telangana Praised

He said more than 73 per cent of the school going children is studying in the budget schools, while in the health care sector more than 80 per cent of the population is taking treatment in private hospitals.

Hyderabad: The Advisor to the Chief Minister on Minorities Welfare, A K. Khan praised the contribution being made by the private sector (Budget Schools) for Education, Private Hospital for health care and transportation in the state of Telangana. 

He said more than 73 per cent of the school going children is studying in the budget schools, while in the health care sector more than 80 per cent of the population is taking treatment in private hospitals (Budget clinics) and in the case of transportation also the private sector is operating to a large extent. 

Addressing as the Chief guest on the National Education Day celebration organized by the Association of Minority Educational Institutions (AMEI) on the occasion of 133rd Birthday celebration of Independent India’s first Education Minister Maulana Abdul Kalam Azad at KLN Prasad auditorium, Federation of Telangana Chambers of Commerce and Industries (FTCCI), today, AK Khan said, that the government or in the bureaucracy field, they never underestimate the role being played by the budget schools.

In these schools, children from the lower classes are getting education and their percentage of success is also high about more than 70 per cent, comparing to the government and aided schools or institutions. 

He said that they are facing more problems as they have to deal with many departments in running their small institutions in one or two rooms or in small buildings. Similarly in the Budget clinics, only the people from the poor families go for the treatment, same is the case in the transportation sector run by the individuals such as autos and sharing taxis etc.

In the same manner, the government is also facing the problems, saying that he is President of the Minorities Residential Schools and looking after 204 institutions and about 40 thousand students, here also children from poor families belonging to minorities comes for education, here it has to be manage from education, dresses, food and also to see their comfort. 

He said in the Residential institution, they are asking the teachers to have the meals with the children so that it can check the meals which is being provided to the children and also asking the teachers to maintain close relationship, apart from this the higher classes students are being assigned to provide guidance to the junior students, with this the senior students who goes out of education, they will be confident as they will be equipped with skill and leadership qualities.

Stress on Following the Footstep of Moulana Abul Kalam Azad 

Referring to the Maulana Abul Kalam Azad contribution to the country in the field of education, AK Khan has said that Maulana Abdul Kalam Azad has laid the strong foundation in the field of education in the country who believed in democratization, secularism and universalism of education which is still exist in the country. 

He said, there are residential schools as well as Madrasas where the children are allowed to choose their field of interest. Here in this the children from the poor family can take the education in IIT, NIT, Medical courses and other professional courses. 

Secretary to government, Mohd. Aleem Azeem, AMEI President Anwar Ahmed, General Secretary Dr. Mohd Sajid Ali and others also spoke.

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